Shall Chapter VIII, Section 6 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to clarify the terms of associate municipal judges and state that associate municipal judges are appointed by city council, receive assignments from the administrative judge or the administrative judge's designee, and must be residents of Dallas within four months of the date of appointment and practicing attorneys in good standing?
The proposed changes to Chapter VIII are as follows
In May of each fourth year, associate municipal judges shall be appointed by city council. Associate municipal judges will receive their assignment from the administrative judge or the administrative judge's designee. Each associate municipal judge shall be a practicing attorney of good standing. Each associate municipal judge must be a resident of the City of Dallas within four months of appointment. Each associate municipal judge shall hold office for a term that is equal to the length of terms for members of the city council, Places 1 through 14, from the date of appointment or until a successor is appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the council. In the event of any vacancy in the office of associate municipal judge by death, resignation, or otherwise, the city council may appoint a qualified attorney to fill the unexpired term as an associate municipal judge. The associate municipal judge is considered a part-time judge and is called upon as needed.If, for any cause, any of the municipal judges shall temporarily fail to act, then and in such case the council is hereby authorized to appoint some qualified attorney who shall act in the place and stead of such municipal judge, and who shall have powers and discharge all the duties of said office and shall receive the compensation therefor accruing while so acting. Such temporary judges shall be known as associate municipal judges. Associate municipal judges, during their appointments, shall not represent clients on matters pending in the municipal courts. The appointment of an associate municipal judge shall be by resolution of the city council, filed in the office of the city secretary. In the event of civil emergency, such appointment may be made by the mayor; provided, however, no compensation shall be paid to such judges so appointed unless confirmed by the city council.
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