Shall Chapter III, Section 3A of the Dallas City Charter be amended to eliminate the ability for members of the city council to run for city council again after serving the maximum four two-year terms and to eliminate the ability for the mayor to run for mayor again after serving the maximum two four-year terms?
The proposed changes are as follows
(a) A person who has served as a member of the city council other than Place 15 for four consecutive two-year terms shall not again be eligible to become a candidate for, or to serve in, any place on the city council except Place 15until at least one term has elapsed.
(b) A person who has served two consecutive terms as a member of the city council, Place 15, shall not again be eligible to become a candidate for, or to serve in, Place 15 on the city counciluntil at least one term for Place 15 has elapsed.
(c) A "term" as used in Subsection (a) shall include any period of service during a city council term when that period is in excess of one year, including a term from which the member resigned.
(d) For the purpose of limiting terms under Subsection (b), a term includes a period of time less than four years when the period of service by a mayor during a term is in excess of 731 days.
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